Event handlers for immediate event components execute in the apply request values phase, which happens before the process validation phase of the rest of the components. 即时事件组件的事件处理程序是在应用请求值阶段执行的,这发生在其余组件的类型转换和有效性验证之前。
This is a two-pronged process: Phase one consists of identifying what can be defined as service. 这是一个包括两个阶段的过程:阶段1需要标识能够将哪些定义为服务。
If you wrap your entire form in an s: validateAll component tag, Seam lets you enforce validations defined on your data model during JSF's Process Validations phase. 如果您将整个表单包装到一个s:validateAll组件标记中,Seam允许您在JSF的流程验证(ProcessValidation)阶段执行对数据模型定义的验证。
Some of these details may be caught during the process management phase, but it's important to capture or transfer them in the discovery phase, too. 其中有些细节可能在流程管理阶段捕获,但还要务必在发现阶段对其进行捕获或提出。
Documentation of current processes and exceptions, along with an inventory of current applications, is typically gathered during the overall process management phase. 通常会在整个流程管理阶段收集当前流程和异常的文档以及当前应用程序的目录。
Point to disturbance and real-time command in the process of phase lock for digital UPS, design of phase lock arithmetic based on TMS320LF2407A was proposed in this paper. 针对数字化UPS锁相中存在的干扰和要求实时性较强的问题,提出基于TMS320LF2407A芯片的逆变锁相算法。
This multimedia software can simulate the whole process of phase analysis by X-ray diffraction. 报导了多媒体软件动态模拟X射线物相分析的全过程。
By using SEM and IR, the structure change in the process of phase separation was studied. 应用扫描电镜、红外光谱等方法研究了钠硼硅玻璃分相过程中玻璃结构的变化。
These methods should be developed, evaluated, validated where necessary, and documented during the product and process development phase. 如果需要,这些方法应该经过制定,评价并验证,并在生产工艺开发阶段形成文档。
Removal of thiophene in benzene derived from coking process by phase transfer catalytic oxidation 采用相转移催化氧化法脱除焦化苯中噻吩的研究
Close-contact melting process of phase change materials ( PCM) inside horizontal rectangular capsules is theoretically analysed. 对矩形腔内相变材料紧密接触熔化过程进行了理论分析。
In this paper, three in-the-loop simulation methods: Model-in-the-loop simulation, Hardware-in-the-loop simulation and Software-in-the-loop simulation using in automotive Electronic Control Unit ( ECU) development process phase were described. 首先介绍了三种在环仿真测试技术:模型在环仿真,软件在环仿真和硬件在环仿真的基本原理,以及它们在车用电控单元研制过程中不同阶段的应用。
In this process, phase errors of the visibility function will sharply degrade the imaging quality. 成像中可视度的相位误差对成像质量影响很大。
The interfacial reaction process and phase formation sequence have been predicted by a maximum driving force model calculated using the Thermo-Calc software. 采用最大驱动力模型,利用Thermo-Calc软件和已有的Ni-Sn二元数据库对Sn/Ni液/固扩散偶的界面反应过程和生成相序列进行了计算与预测,预测结果和实验结果吻合良好。
It was found that the process of phase transfer of TiO_2 from anatase to rutile was inhibited and the absorption intensity of TiO_2 in the region of visible light was increased by doping Ru. 结果表明:Ru掺杂阻止了TiO2纳米粒子由锐钛矿向金红石相的转变,提高了TiO2对可见光的吸收强度。
The phase transformation of calcined kaolinite was undergone 4 stages, the concentration of extraction for Si and Al was related with the process of phase transformation, in which the extraction concentrations of Al and Si could reach the top at 900 ℃ and 1100 ℃ respectively. 煅烧高岭石的相转变经历了4个阶段,其Si,Al溶出浓度与相转变过程有关,Al的溶出浓度在900℃时达到最高,Si在1100℃时达到最高。
Numerical Correction of the Spectrum Analyzer in the Process of Phase Noise Measurement 频谱分析仪在测量相位噪声过程中的数值修正
The results indicated that: ( 1) It appeared that heroin abstainers showed attention bias to heroin-related cues in early attentional process phase; 结果发现,在早期注意加工阶段,海洛因戒除者对海洛因相关线索表现出优先选择的倾向;
Effect of Technological Process on Phase Composition and Microstructure of Sialon Composites 工艺因素对复相Sialon陶瓷相组成和显微结构影响
Multi stage petroleum system and accumulation unit and complex reservoir types and distribution controlled by multi cycle evolution events in west China were inner controlling factors of cragged process and phase characteristic of western petroleum exploration. 中国西部多旋回演化历史所控制的复式油气系统、成藏单元及其控制的复杂油气藏类型和分布,是西部油气勘探具有跌宕起伏过程和阶段性特点的内在控制因素。
Based on the principle of gas-liquid equilibrium, a study of process of phase behavior change for a black and violate oil when composition of system becomes lighter during the period of injecting gas. 根据气-液相平衡理论,研究了黑油和挥发油体系在组成改变情形时的相态变化过程。
It is viable that a breaking process of phase category of polymer blends in twin screw extrusion could be simulated with the theory presented. 实验说明建立的理论模拟双螺杆挤出共混中相畴破碎过程是可行的,并具有普适性。
If using it to process non-minimum phase signal, phase information will be lost. 丢失了信号中的相位信息。
With the measured parameters, the computer simulation of color TV receiver circuits shows that the process of oscillation setting up, the steady state of oscillation, the process of phase locking and the characteristics of traps and filters coincide with that measured actually. 代入实际提取的模型参数并与彩色电视接收机电路一起进行的计算机模拟表明,晶振锁相环的起振过程、稳定振荡状态和锁相过程以及陷波及滤波特性与实测情况符合。
Through Experimental Study on the Latent Heat Storage System for Vihicles, the authors got the characteristics of the flow and heat exchange in the process of phase change and gave reliable data for the device's revision. 本文通过对车用潜热贮热器流动与换热实验研究,获得了该相变过程的流动、传热特性,为修正该装置的设计提供了可靠的数据。
Based on lumped parameter method and assumption of rectangular effective specific heat for phase change process, a temperature model of phase change process of phase change material is established. 基于集总参数法和矩形相变等效比热假设建立了相变材料的相变过程温度模型.该模型与实验结果吻合很好。
In order to explain these phenomena, a model of composition fluctuation of the liquid metal is put forward on the basis of the quasi-chemistry theory and the spinodal decomposition mechanism. The kinetic process of phase transformations discussed by means of this model. 根据准化学理论和拐点分解机制提出一种新的液态金属分成波动模型,并利用此模型对非晶相产生的动力学过程及其稳定性进行了探讨。
It is presented the principle and process of phase diagram of calculation and the characteristic of software Maple in this paper. 本文简要介绍了相图的计算原理和过程以及Maple软件的特点。
According to the micromorphology, the influence of temperature and mixing before and after the process on phase structure and a model concerning disperse phase growth in the process of injection mold was established. 根据IPC注塑前后的亚微相形态以及温度、混炼在加工过程中的作用,建立了注塑加工过程中IPC分散相的增长模型。